Njoy Pure Wand Review
If you’re on the lookout for a new dildo, you won’t be short on choice. There’s a wide range to choose from, including double-ended models, strap-ons, and flesh-colored-penis-look-a-likes (complete with testicles).
Today, we’re going to focus on one of the double-ended models – the Njoy Pure Wand stainless-steel dildo to be precise. This versatile sex toy can be used to revitalize the vagina, awaken the anus, galvanize the G-Spot and provoke the prostate.
There’s no doubt the Njoy Pure Wand is designed with pleasure in mind and I had the pleasure of playing with it to bring you this full Njoy Pure Wand review.
In this review, you will get the lowdown on the delightful dildo. You’ll find out more about the design, and get a brief overview of how to use the Njoy Pure Wand, making sure you get the most from your new toy. I also went to the trouble of testing the Njoy Pure Wand out for you – you can thank me later.
The Design, Look and Feel
With its sleek silver good looks and well-crafted appearance, the Njoy Pure Wand looks the business. The dildo even comes with its own chic storage box – a black case with shocking pink silky lining. Open the box and you’ll find a double-ended dildo – silver, sleek, and very tempting!
The toy is made from medical-grade stainless steel, a great choice, as the material is hygienic and non-porous. Plus, you won’t get any pesky bacteria growing inside your dildo – the mere thought is enough to put you off sex toys for life! Stainless steel is also durable and retains temperature well.
The dildo has a pleasing curve, boasts a length of 203mm, and weighs in at 700g. The product is by no means cumbersome, but the weight gives it a robust, substantial feel.
The Njoy is double-ended (perfect for tantalizing both the P-Spot and the G-Spot) and the two heads differ slightly in width. There’s a large end, measuring a width of 25.4mm, and a smaller end with a width of 38.1mm. The smaller end is particularly good for nervous newbies and those who aren’t keen on heavy penetration. Once you’re comfortable with the feel of that part, you can move on to the wider end of the toy.
Check Latest Price Of Njoy Pure Wand
How Does the Njoy Pure Wand Work?
You can use the Njoy Pure Wand as an aid for massaging the body, or for something a little more intimate. The dildo provides stimulation to the G-Spot or P-Spot (prostate) – simply insert one end into the vagina and apply downwards pressure to the opposite end.
You can vary the temperature of the Njoy Pure Wand to experience different sensations. Stainless steel holds heat well and you can warm up the dildo by running the hot water tap and placing the dildo beneath it. Once you’ve done this, take a big fluffy towel and wrap up your toy, this will help keep the dildo toasty until you’re ready to use it.
If you fancy going for the chill factor instead you can cool the dildo by submerging it in icy water. Remove the toy and insert it quickly for frosty fun.
Check Latest Price Of Njoy Pure Wand
How Well Does The Njoy Perform?
I picked up the black presentation box in front of me, and opened it up tentatively. As a sex toy reviewer, I get to try out all manner of dildos, vibrators, butt plugs, and the likes, but I still get excited when I get a shiny new toy to play with (and I had heard good things about the Njoy Pure Wand).
The Njoy definitely falls into the shiny and new category. Its stainless-steel exterior has a lustrous, streamlined look and I appreciate the aesthetic curve. Stainless steel seems a good choice for a sex toy. Aside from its modishness, the material is also known for its durability and for being sanitary (just remember to clean the toy well after each play session – more on that in our “top tips” section).
When I pick up the dildo I’m struck by its smoothness and bulk. The word bulk might not convey the right image, the toy isn’t unwieldy or overly hefty, but it does have a presence and a sturdiness about it – and I like that.
So, the Njoy gets a tick in the box for good looks and the way it feels, but how about the all-important performance? I must admit to having reservations, after all the Njoy Pure Wand doesn’t “do anything” as such – you don’t flick a switch to make it thrust or vibrate, so what does it do?
As it turns out, the Njoy does more than enough to raise a satisfied smile. The toy has enough punch to hit the G-spot right where you need it. A little educational note for you (in case you like to know the technicalities of pay) – the G-Spot is spongy and swells when the right type of pressure is placed on it.
The design of the Njoy allows you to apply consistent pressure to the G-Spot, and the angle/mass of the dildo ensures pressure is applied in a downwards flow. This motion works well to stimulate the G-Spot and bring on the knee-trembling orgasms you crave.
All this talk of orgasms is all well and good, but did the Njoy Pure Wand have enough magic to facilitate an orgasm? In my case, I’m pleased to say it did! I used lube to ensure smooth entry, and it didn’t take long to ease the dildo into the perfect spot.
I can’t confirm the Njoy’s ability to do the same for the P-Spot (prostate), but if the claims are true, this toy can be used to tempt either to a gratifying climax.
Orgasm achieved; I grabbed a glass of wine – post-climax vino also tastes decidedly more gratifying! I then made up my mind that it would be only right and proper to try out the Njoy Pure as a massage aid too.
I cleaned the toy thoroughly first (obviously) and then beckoned my partner into the bedroom. His eyes lit up when he noticed the silver dildo resting on the bed, but he seemed slightly deflated when I explained he had missed the main course and was only required for dessert!
Dessert, in this case, would be a relaxing massage to iron out the aches and kinks in my shoulders and back (masturbation can be hard work).
Despite his disappointment at missing out on the fun, my obliging hubby set to it, using the smooth, robust toy to manipulate and knead. Satisfying penetration followed by a blissful massage – I’ve had worse afternoons!
Check Latest Price Of Njoy Pure Wand
My Tips For Using The Njoy Pure Wand
Using a dildo should be a fun, comfortable experience. For easy insertion, and added glide or slide, you can use lubrication (any type of lube can be used with this toy). If you like the idea of even more thrills and spills you could try stimulation cream to amplify the sensation and provide excitement.
Try out your Njoy Pure Wand when you’re in the mood for fun. Find a quiet, private space and make sure you have plenty of time to relax and enjoy the experience. You can play alone or get a partner involved.
We also need to cover the practicalities of dildo-ownership – when it comes to caring for your sex toy, hygiene is of key importance. To clean your dildo, you can boil it for three minutes to sterilize it, then wash the device with warm water and a toy cleaning product. Once done, store your dildo in its presentation box and pop it in a dry, cool spot (away from prying eyes!).
The Njoy Pure Wand isn’t a frilly and fancy gadget in terms of features – it doesn’t vibrate or blow on your clit – and you can’t stick it to the table while you go for a ride! However, this could be the toy for you if you’re after uncomplicated penetration.
Remember this toy is stainless steel – so it’s solid and somewhat weighty. I found the sturdiness to be a plus point, it helps to angle the toy to the right spot and deliver plentiful pressure. However, if you have a problem with your grasp (maybe due to arthritis or weakness of the arm/wrist/hand), you might find this toy a bit too heavy to use comfortably for long periods.
Orgasm-wise, the overstated curve, and spherical ends help the toy to fulfill its potential as a climax enforcer.
However, we also need to bear in mind that many women have problems climaxing from internal stimulation alone (I know I don’t always manage to).
That said, you could opt for a warm-up first. A bit of clit stimulation can go a long way! You could even combine Njoy G-Spot stimulation with clit titillation for a powerful mix of heady pleasure.
Remember, penetration works best when you’re relaxed. It’s not about lying down, opening your legs, and inserting your dildo. Like any type of penetrative sex, the experience should be arousing, stirring, and pleasurable. Get out that lube, get up close and friendly with your clit too, and you will more than likely enjoy the magic provided by the Njoy Pure Wand.